Tuesday 1 April 2014

Allotments, Bread & Circuses

For one of my multimedia projects I am looking into Allotments and especially those that are now at the University. They have had them before but now are re-creating them and making all the public and students aware of growing vegetables and general sustainable, green living. I went to an event at The Compass which was hosted by Anne from Grand Challenges and they were working with the Homegrown Society and The Green Living Project. 

The event was all about sustainable living and all students were welcome to come join, they had a Yurt which had a game where you had to choose which products were Fair share, People care or Earth care this was very interesting and a good way for students to interact. Rob is doing an MA at Falmouth but is helping out with The Green Living Project along with Stephen who organises the Homegrown Society events. They also had hula-hooping, fish racing and throwing games, you could win t-shirts, free bread and vegetables. I came home with all three!

This shoot was mainly for research into what goes on with the Green Living Project and the Allotments which at the moment they are started to collect compost bags from students and are hoping to make it more permanent with a barn and area to have picnics and such. I got an interview from Rob who explains the development of the allotments and about sustainable living and why he loves gardening.

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